
Color Grading

Color Grading Basics 2020

This is a 1-hour color grading crash course that will take you from not knowing anything about Resolve to comfortably grading your first professional project.

Aligning shots to grid-line

To horizontally or vertically align a shot, you can add a grid-line as open fx and then add it to an adjustment clip


Nodes for Noobs

Nodes for Noobs | Resolve Color Page Tutorial | Serial, Parallel & Layer Nodes



Basic story structure

  1. ACT 1 (The setup)
    • Introduces us to the theme and hero
    • We learn about the old world of the character and his regular routines
    • We get a glance on how the world is before things start to change
    • Once our hero leaves Act 1, things will never be the same once he returns to his old world
    • We make the character likeable in Act 1. We learn how he behaves in the world
    • We understand the theme of the film
    • * Plot point 1. The act breaks into the next act. Something happens that will start the main character's arc.
  2. ACT 2 (Confrontation)
    • Plot point 1 broke us into the second act
    • This act is about confrontation
    • Our hero has a new goal!
    • Our here leaves the old world
    • This act is the actual movie that people will be watching. It's the longest act out of the 3.
    • This is where our hero's arc starts
    • He is forced to learn new things in order to achieve his goal
    • * Plot point 2 breaks the story into the final act
  3. ACT 3 (The reveal)
    • This act is about the resolution of the film
    • The character will return to the old world - but it will never be the same
    • The hero will be a different person after his arc
    • He will have learned a lot about himself
    • We return to the opening from the 1'st page, but things are totally different!