Moving & Cutting

  • SHIFT + [ - Trim all of clip before the timeline marker
  • SHIFT + ] - Trim all of clip after the timeline marker
  • CTRL + SHIFT + [ - Trim all of clip before the timeline marker & close gap
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ] - Trim all of clip after the timeline marker & close gap
  • CTRL + SHIFT + DRAG - Swap clip to other position
  • ALT + Y - Select and drag all clips from a certain starting point
  • CTRL + \ - Split at cursor
  • ALT + \ - Join at cursor
  • I - Startpoint, O - Endpoint = Trim clip
  • T + drag - Allows you to drag either the top or the bottom half of the clip in the timeline
  • SHIFT + f12 - Append clip to end of timeline

Menu & windows

  • SHIFT + 9 - Open project settings
  • ALT + / - Loop i/o selection audio clip in fairlight
  • CTRL+ALT+K - List of Shortcuts
  • CTRL+F [COLOR TAB] Toggle Cinema Viewer
  • ALT+F [COLOR TAB] Toggle Enhanced Viewer
  • SHIFT+F [COLOR TAB] Toggle Full page Viewer


  • CTRL + BACKSPACE- Allows you to join the head and the end of the deleted clip.

Color Grade Nodes

  • SHIFT+S - Add new serial Node before
  • ALT+S - Add new serial Node
  • ALT+L - Add Layer Mixer node
  • SHIFT+D - Bypass all grades
  • CTRL+D - Bypass grades on current node
  • CTRL+1 - Copy all attributes & nodes from Gallery still to current clip
  • MIDDLE MOUSE CLICK - Copy all nodes from grade/gallery look
  • ALT+P - Add parallel node


  • ALT+/ -Loop selected audio clip (with loop button enabled)
  • ALT+RIGHTMOUSE -Add audio keyframe (for audio ducking)

Printer Lights

Printer Lights